Are you thinking about updating your Markham home but need to know how far your dollars will stretch? Determining how much you’ll pay can be a little confusing if you don’t understand the difference.

Home Renovation Quotes Comparing Apples to Apples: A Case Study
You've got a project in mind, but you're not sure what it will cost and where to start. Most homeowners looking to complete a home renovation will ask for a quote from a few contractors before.
Winter Building
Believe it or not, building in the winter is more costly than building in the summer. Understandably, there could be very good reasons why you need to build in the winter months, but there are also a.
Do You Need Financing?
You really are the only one who can answer this question, but this week we’ve decided to provide some helpful tips for those thinking about financing in general.
What Is A Realistic Budget?
In this business, we do from time to time meet with people that have set an unrealistic budget for what they’d like accomplished. This may stem from a lack of knowledge about building costs, or from.